Our story
5 generations of farmers in St-Pascal-Baylon
1880 - Jean-Baptiste Dupont
1896 - Joseph Séguin and Josephine Wathier-Séguin
1902 - Frédéric Séguin and Orosia Lafleur-Séguin
1943 - Jean-Rhéal Séguin and Marguerite Martin-Séguin
1979 - Jean-Marie Séguin and Lucie Boudreault-Séguin
2004 - Étienne Séguin, Jean-Marie Séguin and Lucie Boudreault-Seguin
2012 - Etienne Séguin and Shannon Kavanagh
Joseph Séguin
On the 10th of October 1882, the family of Joseph and Joséphine Séguin leave St-Dominique road in the Cedars Quebec to re-establish themselves in Fournierville located in eastern Ontario. Fourteen years later on the 1st of May 1896, Joseph buys 67 cultivable acres in Saint-Pascal-Baylon for his son Frédéric.
This land was the property of a man names Jean-Baptiste Dupont during the 1880s. In 1885, Jean-Baptiste Dupont borrows the sum of 2 400$ from Hilaire Lalonde mortgaging his land. Mr. Dupont the borrower and Mr. Lalonde the lender both pass before the amount of the loan is reimbursed. In February of 1896, the executor of the will of the lender, Mr. Pierre Lalonde requests from his attorney to seize the property so that the remaining unpaid amount of 1920.53$ could be paid. As per the law, an ad to sell the property was placed on four occasions in the weekly newspaper, the Raillement of Clarence creek. It was due to this publication that Joseph Séguin of Fournierville purchased the land which consisted of 67 acres for this son Frédéric and his descendants.
Frédéric and Orosia Lafleur
In the month of June 1900, Frédéric married Orosia Lafleur. 12 children were produced from this union. When it comes to agriculture, Frédéric is avant-garde, he purchases the land of his father-in-law Martial Lafleur upon his death in 1919. He will become a founding member of the Ontarian Francophone Farmers Union in 1929. During that same year we will acquire an additional 85 acres of land in the county of Prescott. An honorable man with integrity, he will pass on his love for agriculture to his children.
Jean-Rhéal and Marguerite
Jean-Rhéal takes possession of the family farm in the month of September of 1942 after his wedding to Marguerite Martin. They will have 13 children. During a period of 5 years the profits of the farm are divided 50-50 between Rhéal and Frédéric. In 1945 they purchase the 45 acre farm of Mr. Lionel Gratton. Upon the death of his Father in 1947, Jean-Rhéal becomes the sole proprietor of the farm and ensures the continuing operations of the farm. During the year of 1950, Rhéal purchases the 50 acre farm of Mr. Noël Jérome. In September of 1957, a fire destroys all the buildings of the farm. A more prosperous barn of 36x90 was built in three months. The 60s and 70s brought prosperity. It was when Rhéal and Marguerite acquired 3 additional farms, that of Mr. Lacroix on Lalonde road, that of Mr. Wilfred Maisonneuve on Boudreault road, and finally that of Léo and Léa Gratton on Rollin road.
After more than forty years of cultivating the land Rhéal and Marguerite sell the farm to their son Jean-Marie.
Lucie and Jean-Marie Séguin
On the 25th of September 1976 we were married at the St-Pascal-Baylon Parish Church. From our union four children were born: Étienne, Andrée-Anne , Geneviève and Claudia.
Lucie worked at the University of Ottawa for a period of five years until the birth of Étienne. After the completion of his studies at Algonquin College, Jean-Marie worked for a television station for a period of one year. We lived at the presbytery for a period of one year than moved to the farm of the late Wilfred Maisonneuve for a period of 2 years until we purchased the farm and moved one last time to the family farm. In the month of December 1979 we purchase the family farm. This business was comprised of 272 acres of cultivable land and a herd of 125 head of which, 60 milking cows and all the agricultural machinery necessary for the functioning of the farm. With enthusiasm for agriculture we become implicated in the agriculture industry.
Jean-Marie becomes President of the Ontario francophone farmers union from 1986 to 1990. He is also a member of the Beginning Farmers Program from 1988-1990. He becomes founding member of the André Demers Management Group, as well he is a founding member of the Optimist club of St-Pascal-Baylon. During his involvement in all these activities, Lucie and the children see to the continued functioning of the farm.
The 2000s brought several challenges. The norms for production are more and more strict and we need to follow the progress. In 2000 we purchased the farm of François Parent, and Chantal Gillet in the region of North Plantagenet, a land of 167 acres of which 125 were cultivable and 42 are bush. We are also managing a sugar bush of 900 taps which produces between 150-200 gallons of maple syrup. Even though we are busy with the farm we take the time to be involved. Being a sports enthusiast, our children become involved in various sport and social activities. Today the process has begun to transfer the farm to Étienne.
The succession
Étienne Séguin
I went to school at Plantagenet High School. At the end of High School, I signed up at Macdonald College at the University of McGill in St-Anne-de-Bellevue in Farm Business Management. I completed two semesters to end up completing my diploma at Alfred College. I graduated in 2001, and during two summers worked on dairy farms in St-Isidore and Casselman. My Wife Shannon Kavanagh is a native of St-Marthe (Vaudreuil-Soulange) and has a Bachelors Degree in Agricultural-Economics from the University of McGill.